Financial Planning, Housing and Consumer Economics
Leading-edge teaching, research, and outreach improves economic and financial well-being for families and individuals and communities. We prepare future leaders and entrepreneurs.

Nutritional Sciences
We prepare you for a career in health care, education, industry, or government. Our expertise ranges from public education and outreach to molecular pathways. We offer a variety of research opportunities encompassing community, clinical and basic sciences.

Human Development and Family Science
Our students work in communities across Georgia and beyond, doing parent education, planning programs for youth, working in hospitals with medically fragile children, and helping families make choices that improve their lives.

Textiles, Merchandising and Interiors
Prepare for a career in retail, residential interior design, or manufacturing. Our expertise ranges from merchandising and design to polymer, fiber, and textile science. We offer internships, education abroad, research, and service learning.

Institute on Human Development and Disability
IHDD works with people who have disabilities and others, to ensure that all people can achieve their highest capacity and quality of life.